The CS one is unusable in FSX, and the Posky is not as detailed and the EFIS gauge doesn't display, leaving a whole in the cockpit.Login | Register | About logging in and out I only wished they included a 757 than it would be complete.

The other changes are outlined in the conversion instructions in the above posted link! FWIW I have both the Airbus, and Boeing packages, and am very happy with the way they fly in FSX! If you saw my video's all but the airshow one, all used the Overland models, both Boeing and Airbus.

The main issue with the Overlands and any FS9 aircraft with VC's is in the Panel.cfg file FSX doesn't like negative numbers is the XY coodinates for placement of gauges, at least in the VC section! So for example if an entry looked like thisgauge00=PAPA320_W!Primary Flight Display, 0,-3,249,261You would change it to thisgauge00=PAPA320_W!Primary Flight Display, 0,0,249,261Of course this doesn't allow completely accurate placement, but it's close. Even worse, the last two>emails this year went unanswered. >Any problems when you installed them from scratch in FSX? I>am torn between buying the version out now or waiting for>their FSX models, I emailed a few times but they don't have a>release date for the new version. The only downside is like W&F since it uses the external camera for this view, you also get the external sounds, rather than the muffled sound you would get from inside the aircraft.Title = "Right Side Window"Guid = Origin = Virtual CockpitMomentumEffect = NoSnapPbhAdjust = NoneSnapPbhReturn = FalsePanPbhAdjust = NonePanPbhReturn = FalseTrack = NoneShowAxis = FALSEAllowZoom = TRUEInitialZoom = 0.8SmoothZoomTime = 2.0ZoomPanScalar = 1.0ShowWeather = YesXyzAdjust = TRUEShowLensFlare=FALSECategory = CockpitPitchPanRate=20HeadingPanRate=60InitialXyz=0.7, -0.58, -0.31InitialPbh=-58.0, 0, 0 Or you can do what I did, and modify the cameras.cfg file to default to inside the aircraft.

To get them you use the left or right hand window view in the aircraft view category! It defaults to a external view outside the aircraft but can be adjusted using the Cntrl,Shift or Cntrl-Shift -Enter or Backspace keys. :-roll Wrong! FSX works the same as DBS Walk & Follow using the external spot view model, so you can get wing views in any aircraft model. >In FSX, if there's no VC, then there's also no "wings" to be>seen either.>.also, no static 2d bitmaps for side and rear views either.>For FSX, if there aren't any 2d bitmaps already included, I>think you're SOL.